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Peter Nelson & Associates


Peter Nelson B.A Dip. Psych, M. Psych, MAPS​

Peter Nelson has 25 years experience in the field of Clinical Psychology.


Following initial training in intellectual disability, Peter commenced work at the Douglas Parker Centre (later Rehabilitation Tasmania) where he worked with clients adjusting to physical injury, chronic pain and chronic illness.


Peter later worked for the Vietnam Veterans Counseling Service and remains an outreach counsellor.


Moving into private practice in 1996, Peter’s field of expertise includes working with clients affected by physical injuries, chronic pain and illness, stroke and dementia, primary depression, anxiety and relationship issues.


His clients include adolescents, adults, couples and families, the aged, and veterans, including consultancy at the St John’s and Hobart Private rehabilitation units.


Peter’s knowledge and skills in the area of Corporate Psychology has allowed him to work with employees and management throughout many organisations.


Peter has worked as the primary agent and also subcontractor to mainland agencies and currently sub contracts to four National Employee Assistance Groups.


Peter is currently the Clinical Director of the Critical Incident Stress Management Team for the Tasmanian Emergency Services, and is the acting Police Psychologist when required.


Peter is a member of the Australian Psychological Society where he currently holds the position of State Chair.

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